Ocular lichen planus treated with lifitegrast


Lichen planus (LP) classically presents as pruritic, violaceous papules with a lichenoid scale on the skin, but it can also arise in the genitals, scalp, ears, nails, esophagus, and eyes. There are several clinical variants of LP including hypertrophic LP, bullous LP, LP pemphigoides, oral LP, and ocular LP. Ocular LP is a rare but potentially debilitating manifestation of LP, as it can lead to irreversible corneal scarring and permanent vision loss. At present, the etiology and pathogenesis of ocular LP is poorly understood. Typically, treatment involves topical immunosuppressant eyedrops, such as cyclosporine or prednisolone, with or without oral therapies. However, in patients with elevated intraocular pressures (IOPs) or those that develop increased IOP during treatment, alternative topical regimens may be required. Here, we report a case of ocular LP treated with lifitegrast eyedrops, an integrin inhibitor that downregulates T‐cell‐mediated inflammation. Infiltrating CD8 T‐cells are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of LP, suggesting that ocular LP represents a potential off‐label indication for lifitegrast.

In press International Journal of Dermatology